Top 3 No-Code Web Scraping Tools

Publicly available data volume is growing exponentially, with more data being available daily. It now becomes more critical than ever for all business users to collect this publicly available data to understand what consumers say about their brands/products. The challenge is that business users have very few options to get the data they need by themselves without depending on developers. As part of this blog, we are comparing the Top 3 No-Code Web Scraping Tools which can help business users collect data by themselves. WebExtract tops the list due to its self-serve capability and availability of sources.

WebExtract Logo


WebExtract is a scalable no-code web scraper designed to extract data from eCommerce sites across the globe and seamlessly integrate data feeds into google sheets. WebExtract is uniquely designed for the non-technical user looking for a self-service add-on for web data access.


  • Easy to use. Without any coding experience, WebExtract lets you quickly set up a new input file and get the data from it.
  • Different types of scrapers(Category Products Scraper, Product Details Scraper, Consumer Posts Scraper) across a wide range of sources/countries (110+sources across 30+ countries)
  • Uses multiple proxies & re- scrape for close to 100% coverage of the data
  • Custom Sources requested by the users are built with a fast turnaround time


  • The tool has review sources only. Social sources are yet to be added as part of the tool.
  • Works only through Google Sheets
  • API access is only available on request

Pricing: Provides an option for 100 free pages every month with paid plans starting at $29 per month for 1000 pages/month


ProWebScraper is a point-and-click functionality to extract data.

ProWebScraper Logo


  • For simple sources, create new scrapers by using the selector option to select the required elements
  • Provides an option for building custom sources


  • For complex sources, users need coding knowledge to set up their own scrapers. Only nine ready-to-run scrapers are available
  • Users only have 100 credits one time free of cost

Pricing: For a site like an amazon, it costs three credits a page & costs 50$ for one-time 5000 credits providing the user with ~1,500 pages

ImportFromWeb Logo


ImportFromWeb imports data from any website into your spreadsheet using a function within google sheets. It’s like ImportXML with more functionality compared to it.


  • ImportFromWeb is a good alternative to ImportXML, ImportHTML, ImportFeed, and ImportData


  • Works only through Google Sheets
  • Users would need an understanding of coding to be able to extract across websites
  • Only one-time option to use 1000 requests free of cost for the first month
  • Scraping of review pages is not possible

Pricing: Average pricing is ~$35 to be able to extract ~2000 Amazon pages successfully