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Shopee Scraper

WebExtract is a scalable no-code web scraper designed to extract data from Shopee and seamlessly integrate data feeds into spreadsheets. Available on Google Workspace Marketplace

Available Scrapers

Category or Best-Sellers Category

  • ASIN, Name, URL
  • List & Discounted Price
  • Rating, Rating Count
  • Category hierarchy
  • Rank

Product Details

  • ASIN, Name, URL, Brand
  • List & Discounted Price
  • Title, About item, Product Information
  • Availability, Rank
  • Seller Name
  • Rating, Rating Count, Breakdown


  • ASIN, Name, Product URL
  • Review URL, Title, and Body
  • Review Rating
  • Date, Author

Product Intelligence

Scrape product details such as product price, product info, product images, product reviews, and other data fields with the help of our pre-built Shopee scrapers. Automate the entire process of data extraction for multiple time intervals such as daily, weekly or  monthly.

Mining this data helps to:

  • Identify best selling products listed on Shopee
  • Keep track of underperforming products 
  • Detect counterfeit or fake products
  • Track reviews to improve ORM (online reputation management).
  • Optimize product profiles with engaging product descriptions

Competitor Intelligence

Scrape data on competitor products to understand various strategies adopted by the competitors through discounts, special offers, flash sales, and other promotional activities. The respective ratings and reviews of these products act as a starting point to identify points of parity and differentiation.

Mining this data helps to:

  • Visualize and compare prices for competing products.
  • Automate the process of monitoring competitors 
  • Understand product positioning and revise product claims for better product differentiation.


Amazon Scraping - Competitor Intelligence

Category Intelligence

Scrape the list of products that feature among bestsellers and popular products in a category. The Shopee scraper built by SetuServ can scrape only the specified products and thus address the custom needs of a client.

Mining this data helps to:

  • Keep track of top performers
  • Identify key trends 
  • Optimize price vis-a-vis competitors in the category
  • Improve category ranking

Merchant Intelligence

Scrape and track the evolving changes to product details mentioned in the merchant center or seller page. Every seller periodically checks the page as it gives a holistic view of aspects such as product mix, products sold, speed of delivery, payment methods, and other business aspects.

Mining this data helps to:

  • Optimize listings on the merchant page
  • Track inventory status

Amazon Scraping - Merchant Intelligence
Amazon Scraping - Automated Review Management

Automating Shopee Review Management


Automating the review management involves building a pipeline where corresponding product ratings and reviews are scraped on an SKU basis. Subsequently, SetuServ’s proprietary machine-learning algorithm analyzes the text to unearth actionable insights about what the customers like or dislike.

Mining this data helps to:

  • Access product reviews from multiple geographies
  • Set real-time alerts to negative reviews
  • Identify factors driving sales vis-a-vis competitors




Our solution can scrape a large amount of data


3X faster than other scrapers


Proprietary algorithms ensure minimal data loss


Updated on demand to align with changes in Shopee


We use proxies to avoid getting blocked

Translation Capabilities

Our scrapers capture the data and offer an output in English

Frequently Asked Questions

To start scraping using SetuServ Shopee web data scraping service:

  • Please provide us the list of products or the category or the sellers you would like to scrape along with the product details you are looking to scrape like:
    • Price, Rank, Ratings, Reviews, Product Claims, Product Description, and bullets, Category breadcrumbs, ASIN, Product Name, Model Number, Manufacturer, Insurance Coverage, and any other data available on the Shopee website
  • Output from SetuServ is provided in a structured flat file making it easy to use